Dundee Hypnotherapy - Stop Smoking, Gastric Band, Stress Relief
Dundee Hypnotherapy - Stop Smoking, Gastric Band, Stress Relief
Stewart McDonald BSc (Hons), MBA, D. Hyp, PDCHyp, MBSCH Clinical Hypnotherapist

About Stewart
About Stewart

I am Stewart McDonald, and I am a highly experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist based in the west end of Dundee. I am married with 3 children, and when I'm not seeing clients, I spend most of my time with them!
I hold a Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis and am a fully registered member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis. I also hold a full enhanced ' Disclosure Scotland' certification.
My approach is professional, confidential but relaxed and friendly. My main aim is to bring the means to you to take control of the particular area or aspect in your life that you want to change or make better.
I am totally committed to each of my clients and as such, each person is treated in a unique individual way.
An initial consultation / discussion allows me to gather relevant information from you and for you to tell me what your specific needs are and we can then agree on the best therapeutic approaches to ease you forward and allow you to move on positively.
I have over 17 years of clinical experience dealing with client issues, and during this time I have helped literally hundreds of different people achieve the outcome they want.
322 Blackness Road,
Tel: 01382 667274 or 07913219130
E-Mail: stewartmcdonald@dundeehypnotherapy.co.uk
Evening and Weekend appointments are available