Dundee Hypnotherapy - Stop Smoking, Gastric Band, Stress Relief
Dundee Hypnotherapy - Stop Smoking, Gastric Band, Stress Relief
Stewart McDonald BSc (Hons), MBA, D. Hyp, PDCHyp, MBSCH Clinical Hypnotherapist
Gift Vouchers
Stop Smoking Gift Voucher
Why not give a loved-one a "Stop Smoking" hypnotherapy treatment. Only one session is normally required!!
This package includes a 120 minute tailored hypnosis session, as well as a free hypnotic download, and the guarantee of a second completely free session if they should start to smoke again within 3 months of the initial session.
Price is only £260!!
On the face of it, this may still seem like a lot of money, but it is actually less than the cost of one months cigarettes for the average smoker, not to mention the incalculable benefits to your loved-one's health and well being when they stop smoking for good.
Virtual Gastric Band Gift Voucher
Losing weight can be difficult at the best of times. If you have loved-one who would like to lose weight, and has a BMI of 30 or over then why not consider gifting them the Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy treatment.
The Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy procedure takes place over 4 sessions of hypnosis. This package also includes a completely Free initial 30 mins consultation, and you will also receive 2 Free hypnotic recordings that will help you achieve this goal.
The total cost of this package is only £340!
My prices are fully inclusive and there are no hidden extras to pay.
Stress & Anxiety Treatment Gift Voucher
Do you have friend or a loved-one who is suffering from stress and anxiety? If so then why not give them this "Stress-Busting" hypnotherapy treatment.
This package includes a detailed case history, 3 full one-hour hypnosis sessions, as well as a free hypnotic recording to reinforce positive habit forming thoughts patterns after the treatment is complete.
This entire package is only £200!!
Deep Relaxation Session Gift Voucher
Why not pamper a friend or a loved-one with this deep-relaxation hypnosis session.
This package includes a full one-hour deep relaxation hypnosis session, which will guarantee to leave you feeling totally calm, relaxed and peaceful!
This package only costs £70!