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Dundee Hypnotherapy - Stop Smoking, Gastric Band, Stress Relief
Dundee Hypnotherapy - Stop Smoking, Gastric Band, Stress Relief
Stewart McDonald BSc (Hons), MBA, D. Hyp, PDCHyp, MBSCH Clinical Hypnotherapist

Price List
General Hypnotherapy - Anxiety, Stress, Phobias, Habits, Insomnia, Panic Attacks, Confidence, Weight Loss, etc
- Free initial consultation
- £70 per session
- Sessions last approximately 60 mins
MP3 downloads are included as appropriate to the presenting condition.
Stop Smoking
- £260
- Only one session required!
- Session lasts approximately 120 mins
- Hypnotic MP3 download included
I am so confident that you will become a non-smoker that I offer a completely free second session if you should start to smoke again within 3 months of initial session!
Virtual Gastric Band
- Free initial consultation to determine suitability
- £340
- Four session protocol, each session last approximately 60 mins
- 2 Hypnotic MP3 downloads included
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